Saturday, December 22, 2012

I Learned About My Alcohol Behavior in an Online Alcohol Class

If I am to be honest, I did not really think I had a drinking problem. Yes, I enjoyed a few drinks after work, and drank more freely on the weekends but so did my friends. There were times when I drank too much, but I never considered myself "a drunk" like my father. 

One particular Friday night, we were celebrating a big merger when a few drinks turned into more drinks and I was arrested for public intoxication. Part of my sentence was to enroll in an alcohol awareness class.

This turned out to be a problem because no one offered any courses near me; and the closest one was a three hour round trip drive. I was not sure what to do until a friend suggested that I find an online alcohol class about alcohol awareness.

Not only was the price lower then what I would have paid in person but it was convenient and well written. It also met my sentencing requirements but more importantly, in the privacy of my own home- the class helped me open my eyes. I was able to be more honest with myself and see why I was abusing alcohol. It got me to turn around my life.

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