Thursday, November 15, 2012

Improve Your Nutrition by Cutting Alcohol Consumption

You probably have read that alcohol is basically empty calories. You also may have heard that drinking a glass of red wine every day is good for you.

When it comes to alcohol there are many facts and myths. A good alcohol awareness class can explain them in more detail, but we'll give you some of the basic facts in this article. Alcohol is called "empty calories" for a very good reason. On average alcohol is mostly sugar and carbs. That means it contains no protein, no vitamins and no micro-nutrients. One drink has been shown to reduce blood sugar in Type-2 diabetics; however, alcohol is lethal if more is consumed.

Alcoholic beverages have marginal nutritional value when combined with other foods or drinks. Fruit and juices are examples. But, when alcohol is mixed with juices which only slightly improves the nutrition, there is a lot of additional sugar added.

What About Red Wine?

Some studies have shown that a glass of red wine every day is good for your heart and reduces the chance of heart disease. There are other studies that show no added value to your heart from red wine.

Red wine may be the most nutritional alcohol beverage. Would you care to guess what nutritional value a glass brings to your daily requirements for vitamins and minerals?

From a glass of red table wine you get about 1% of your daily requirements for riboflavin, vitamin B6, iron, magnesium, phosphorous and potassium. You get 2% of the required daily intake for manganese. That is it!

Not only are alcoholic beverages empty calories, booze also has the ability to inhibit the absorption of vitamins and other minerals. So if you are looking to boost your health, it is a good idea to strictly limit your intake of alcohol (especially during the holidays). If you want to learn more about how alcohol affects your health, consider taking a 12 hour alcohol awareness class.

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