Monday, November 26, 2012

Don't Risk a DUI: Take a Taxi!

Trust me when I tell you that the best $50 you'll ever spend will be on a taxi home after getting drunk. By driving home in a drunken state you are jeopardizing your life and future as well as the lives of others.

Why then do so many people avoid spending the $20-$50 it would cost to take a taxi? As a counselor for both in-class and online alcohol awareness classes I often discuss this principle with my students. Not surprisingly almost all agree they wished they had paid for a cab. They provide interesting excuses including, "I didn't have enough money on me", "I wasn't sure how to call a cab at that hour", "I didn't want to leave my car there over night", and my personal favorite, "I thought I was OK to drive".

At best, drinking and driving can result in a DUI violation which will cost you thousands of dollars. Heavy fines, increased insurance premiums, alcohol classes and counseling are only the tip of the iceberg.

At worst, you can permanently injure yourself or even kill yourself and others due to the "excuses" that allowed you to drink and drive. Imagine how the rest of your life would look if you killed your best friend or another innocent person because you were too cheap to take a cab ride? I have looked into the eyes of people with these stories. The regret and despair are unshakable.

Next time you are out on the town and know you have had too much to drink, please do the most responsible thing and call a taxi. Just think how fun a karaoke cab would be! 

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