Friday, November 23, 2012

A DUI Can Make Your Insurance Rates Skyrocket

With the cost of living so high already, and the economy in turmoil, you have to do whatever you can to save money and protect your future. You think things are tough now, try adding the increase in auto insurance premiums if you get a driving under the influence (DUI) violation.

With the bombardment of information you know that drinking and driving is both illegal and dangerous. You also must know that getting a DUI is expensive. Not counting all of the fines and fees for alcohol classes and attorneys, one place that will continue to hit your pocketbook month after month is auto insurance.

As a counselor for alcohol awareness classes, I often discuss the effect of a DUI on insurance rates with my students. Can you guess who sees the biggest increase? The answer is minors. Get a DUI and be under the age of 21 and if you can even keep your insurance, you are looking at an increase of $1,500 per year!

One DUI class student became a high-risk driver and his insurer boosted his premiums by $450 per month. While that may seem exorbitant the average increase is 20-40%.

Do yourself a favor and save money on insurance. Don't drive after consuming alcohol.

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