Saturday, November 17, 2012

How to Watch Football Without Drinking

Another exciting football season is in full swing.

If you are like me you watch games with a bunch of your friends. There is usually plenty of food and drinks to be had. Beer drinking is very much a part of watching the game. Not to mention the countless high priced commercials for beer.

But what are you going to do if you are trying to cut back on your alcohol intake. Or what if you've decided not to drink alcohol again for the rest of your life. If you've attended an alcohol awareness class you probably learned that it's a good thing to stay away from events or parties where alcohol is being served. But what if you are a huge football fan? What are you expected to do? Just watch the game at home while sipping bottled water?

Here's a few hints on how to handle this situation. First, make sure that you watch the game at somebody's house rather than in a bar. Bars are associated with drinking and if you can avoid them, you've done a good job. Second, tell your host ahead of time that you won't be drinking alcohol. Next, bring a non-alcoholic alternative such as sparkling water, root beer, or sweet iced tea to the game. Finally, make sure that you always have a full non-alcoholic beverage in your hand at the event. That way you never have to worry about somebody offering you a new beer if you're done with your drink.

You can definitely watch football and other sports in the company of your friends without drinking. Just follow these simple tips and you should have no problems. If you feel tempted, there are lots of great online alcohol classes that can help you conquer these situations.

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