Monday, February 18, 2013

Alcohol Awareness Class Helped My Son

I'm ashamed to admit that my 18 year old son was recently caught drinking and driving. Not only was he caught driving while under the influence, he's also too young to be drinking legally. I was so distraught at first, that I truly didn't know what to do.

I was angry because I had taught him all about the dangers of drinking and driving and hoped he wouldn't be drinking until he turned 21. Thankfully, the court ordered him to take an alcohol awareness class, and to my surprise, it really hit home. It opened his eyes to how many deaths are caused per year by people who drink and get behind the wheel of a car. He stopped feeling invincible and awoke to how lucky he was that he didn't get hurt.

He is truly ashamed of what he did, and I am pretty convinced that he will never drink and drive again. I am grateful the online class he took helped him learn an important lesson. He's my son and I'll always love him, but he did a very bad and dangerous thing.

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