Thursday, January 20, 2011

How Can You Tell When Your Drinking Has Become a Problem

Often when I run alcohol classes clients ask me, "How how can you find out if you are an alcoholic?" Let's look at some crucial indicators that your regular drinking habit has turned into full-blown alcoholism.

Let's commence by asserting that no person has 1 drink of alcohol and it instantly it becomesa problem. Heavy drinking and drinking problems are developed over long periods of time. Of course the span of time will differ from person to person.

Your Genes Can Play A Role

And as is the case with numerous health problems, genetics play an crucial role. If one or more of your mother and father or other close relatives is an alcoholic you as well may have a genetic predisposition toward alcoholism. However, even though your parents may be alcoholics, there is no reason you also must endure this illness.

Deciding not to drink is personal. It is a decision in which your genes have no say.Deciding not to consume in excess is also personal.

You have the capability and control over what you do. Even if you do not believe you have an issue, I ask you to re-think your drinking.

Are You a Heavy Drinker?

Excess drinking is a pattern of drinking seen in almost all alcoholics. Heavy drinking is defined as having five or more alcoholic beverages on the same occasion five or more instances in the past month.
Being a recovering alcoholic, I can certainly tell you that almost every time I partook in the drinking of alcohol, I had five or more drinks - normally a lot more.

Recent data has shown that around 17 million U.S. residents can be defined as heavy drinkers. That's practically 7% of everybody 12 and older If you only look at those of legal drinking age, 21, almost 12% are considered to fall into the pattern of heavy drinking.

If you drink heavily it is quite likely you have a drinking problem and should seek help from a group like Alcoholics Anonymous, or if you prefer, try taking an online alcohol awareness course.

Are You Embarrassed by Your Drinking?

Even with commonpublic perception, most heavy drinkers feel shame or guilt about their heavy drinking and alcoholic tendencies. Even when they are in the beginning stages of alcoholism, while they still deny themselves that they are addicted to alcohol, drinkers feel guilty.

They also tend to become embarassed in front of their friends,their family and their work colleagues, because of their behaviors after getting drink. Perhaps it is getting a DWI, or just making a total ass of themselves due to their drunken state.

Again, if you feel ashamed by the amount you drink or how often you drink, it is critical you think about whether or not you are an alcoholic The odds are, you do.

What Have You Got to Hide?

Many problem drinkers are what we term "closet alcoholics." This group tends to hide their drinking from as many people as they can. They may only go to bars far away from their homes and work. Or they may prefer to drink just in the privacy of their own home. Some problem drinkers go to extreme measures to disguise their addiction to alcohol. Alcoholics have been known to keep a container hidden in their office drawer for a quick shot in their latte. Some conceal a flask in their automobile or closet. A surprising number of alcoholics go so far as to fill water or 7 Up bottles with vodka.

Seriously, if you are a "closet alcoholic" and exhibit any of the symptoms listed above, I suggest you look for help immediately Finally, I challenge each of you to stop drinking for 30 days. Check if it helps you to feel better. Be aware of your moods, good and bad (you may exerience signifant mood shifts).
It is essential to be aware that alcohol is a drug and its use must be controlled. If you or anyone you know may be suffering from alcohol dependence, please have them seek help immediately. You can learn more by taking an alcohol awareness class.

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