Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Get Healthier by Giving Up Alcohol

Often when I teach alcohol awareness classes students have the question , "Is alcohol really that bad for you?" This article will talk about some of the main physical benefits of not drinking anymore, and then will discuss the mental and psychological advantages of quitting drinking.

You are not going to hear too many arguments in favor of consuming alcohol. Of course some studies will say a bit is good for the cardiovascular system or that a glass of red wine everyday makes for a healthy heart and increases longevity. Science, however, is not conclusive about any beneficial effects of alcohol. In regards to the wine hypothesis that is still under debate, grape juice and grapes themselves proved to be equally effective.

There are many proven positive effects when one stops drinking alcohol. There are numerous studies that show how not drinking alcohol improves your physical and mental health. Non-drinkers have far less chance of developing cirrhosis of the liver, pancreas damage and many forms of cancer. Alcohol dehydrates your body. After you stop drinking, one of the earliest positive physical effects you will see is that you skin will become clearer, more vibrant and younger This happens in only a few days of stopping drinking. It's incredible what being hydrated will do for your appearance. An increase in energy is another effect that you will feel in the first week of quitting.

While the physical effects on your body are very important, it is positive state of mind and mental effects that will be most noticeable. If you ever have quit a substance that you had been using often or sometimes abusing you know that at you begin to realize that you do feel better. You are proud of the fact you have stop using and even more pleased that you feel good about it. Improved self-regard gives a huge boost to those who quit drinking.

You will find that when you stop drinking you will have more time - for work, sports, friends, and family. Life is all about getting involved in personal relationships with other human beings. As you begin to feel better physically, mentally, emotionally and psychologically you will become more involved in your life, and those who care about you will also enjoy the benefits as you reconnect on a healthy, upbeat level.

As you reenter life after alcohol old hobbies may regain the pleasure you once knew, and the idea of trying out something new will sound exciting. New interests like art, athletics or social clubs could invigorate and bring fullness to your life. Having a positive self-image will most definitely make you more optimistic. Healthier brain cells working in unison make life more pleasurable.

In closing, I encourage each of you to quit drinking for 30 days. See if you feel better. You might need an alcohol class to help you determine how to do this. Be aware of your moods, good and bad (there may be some strong ones at the beginning if you are a heavy drinker).

Despite its legal status, it is important to be know that alcohol is a drug and its use should be controlled. If you or anyone you know seems to be suffering from alcohol dependence, please have them seek help immediately. There are online alcohol class options to take voluntary and involuntary courses on alcohol rehabilitation.

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